IJAPM 2014 Vol.4(2): 93-98 ISSN: 2010-362X
DOI: 10.7763/IJAPM.2014.V4.261
DOI: 10.7763/IJAPM.2014.V4.261
Studies on the Performance of ITER90 H-P Fusion Reactor Considering the D-T and D-3He Fuel in the Perturbation State
S. Nasrin Hoseinimotlagh, Samaneh Kian-Afraz, and Sara Sadeghi
Abstract—ITER is based on the ‘tokamak’ concept of magnetic confinement, in which plasma is contained in a doughnut- shaped vacuum vessel. The fuel – a mixture of deuterium and tritium, two isotopes of hydrogen – is heated to temperatures in excess of 150 million °C, forming hot plasma. Strong magnetic fields are used to keep the plasma away from the walls; these are produced by superconducting coils surrounding the vessel, and by an electrical current driven through the plasma. ITER is the next generation of experimental fusion device and it is hoped it will point the way to fusion as a sustainable energy source for the future. To exploit the full potential of the device and to guarantee optimal operation, a high degree of physics modeling and simulation is needed. In addition, the possibility of higher Q operation will be explored if favorable confinement conditions can be achieved. In this work, perturbation state is called the difference between dynamical and steady state. So, we study on the variations of dynamical system respect to steady state for two fusion fuels DT and D-3He. Our studies show that, the maximum fusion gain that is accessible for D-T is about 23 at t= 50s and for D-3He 25 at t=250s.
Index Terms—Fusion, deuterium, tritium, helium, perturbation.
The authors are with Department of Physics, Shiraz branch Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran (e-mail: hoseinimotlagh@hotmail.com, s_kianafraz@yahoo.com, sara_sadeghi1368@yahoo.com).
Index Terms—Fusion, deuterium, tritium, helium, perturbation.
The authors are with Department of Physics, Shiraz branch Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran (e-mail: hoseinimotlagh@hotmail.com, s_kianafraz@yahoo.com, sara_sadeghi1368@yahoo.com).
Cite: S. Nasrin Hoseinimotlagh, Samaneh Kian-Afraz, and Sara Sadeghi, "Studies on the Performance of ITER90 H-P Fusion Reactor Considering the D-T and D-3He Fuel in the Perturbation State," International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 93-98, 2014.
General Information
ISSN: 2010-362X (Online)
Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Appl. Phys. Math.
Frequency: Semi-yearly
DOI: 10.17706/IJAPM
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Haydar Akca
Abstracting/ Indexing: INSPEC(IET), CNKI, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), etc.
E-mail: editor@ijapm.org
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